Monday, October 11, 2010

Boring Classes

Boring Classes Copyright of Arslan Poetry Blog

My head hurts, what is this feeling?,
Oh yeah, thats the teacher, teaching,

Giving his boring lecture, without break,
I struggle hard to stay awake,

"Study hard, each night and day,
Stay alert, don't cheat," they say,

Stay alert!, is it possible,
No, definitely impossible,

Because, they induce in us, sleep,
A hypnotic sleep, very deep,

They call us early and leave late,
Something which we all deeply hate,

I try to comprehend their sayings,
They seem to be mindless ramblings,

I wait for the bell, to energize me, and end this dilemma,
To get me out of this world of rate, Shockley, and sigma,

God bless the technology of the bell,
Made to get us out of this educational Hell,

The bell cures my head ache,
All my ailments with it, I shake,

Finally, to freedom I make my way,
And then go about the rest of the day,

Boring Classes Copyright of Arslan Poetry Blog


  1. FIttt..... that's the most perfect description anyone can give to uni's lecture ... WEll Done

  2. chah gaya bhaloo......keep it comin

  3. oye tunay blog kb say start kia hai? Tony tu shaya hua hai;)

  4. @farooq its been about a month....but have started a purposeful blog today(i actually edited the existing one) = )

  5. aala bhaloo ..
    my feelings in ur words....

  6. hahahaha.. goood work man.. its very funny.. liked it! have you written more? can i send it to my teachers at lums?

  7. @amna sure but i would prefer if you send them the link to this blog, or this poem on this blog, please.....

  8. Excellent writing ability,specially like "Boring Classes" it's really awesome.

  9. nice poem man it is really 100% true with our real student life....

  10. it really true poem that always happen with our real student life ...

    thanks for sharing nice poem with us keep it up man

  11. its very nice poem and very intersting.

  12. great poem ....i like it to share with my classmates and if possible with my teacher also...


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