Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Final Year

This poem is in response to a request made by a NUST friend of mine...

This here is a poem with rhyme
telling you of the NUST time,
with friends who became family
and will remain always with me
in my heart and thoughts
along with all the lessons taught
at NUST,

It’s not just a university of brick and stone
where people come and go alone,
it’s a clan of diverse cultures and personalities
whose life, adventures and memories
are etched on the very roads and buildings
they saw in the making
when they first set foot,

My time here was the same
met many people once I came,
Hostel, Campus, Seminar halls, and Play Grounds
joy had no time, place, and bounds
except nine to five in the classroom
where we dreaded our possible doom,
but survived,

Teachers, lab assistants, friends new and old
everyone dear to heart I hold,
but there is a start and end for every journey
and the beginning of the end came for me
when we all stood together for batch photograph,
I hope for less tears and more laughs
Once we depart and have only
memories and pictures to look back at.


I would like to Know What You Think, Thank You